5 Intention-setting Ideas to Support the Manifestation of Your Dreams for 2019 and Beyond!
New Year resolutions have all been set and rung in for two weeks now and, as some of the motivational energy behind those resolutions might be fading a bit, I thought I would dedicate this newsletter to the number one tool for manifesting our desires, intentions and dreams – visualizaton!
As the quote above by Henry David Thoreau suggested so many years ago, holding a picture in our mind is quite powerful. Visualization helps clarify our heart’s desires, supports maintaining focus on our dreams, and expands awareness of how to co-create our manifestations as the Universe now knows what to send our way.
Visualization is the fuel that is needed to keep the fire of motivation burning brightly. Visualization trains the mind to see and recognize the support being provided to us by the Universe. Visualization can reduce our worry about the future, aligning our minds and hearts and plugging us into the web of life. We gain trust – in ourselves and the world – and feel more confident when making decisions, knowing that we are making our choices from a space of clarity and intention.
Below I offer ideas you might want to try to begin visualizing for this year and beyond:
- Daily affirmation(s). Last year I started a daily practice of saying to myself “How does it get better than this?” each morning upon awaking as I snuggled with my two furbabies in bed, allowing the universe to provide me with what would serve my highest self and I was not disappointed! The key here is to repeat your affirmation at least once a day, possibly several times a day. The more we repeat it, the more our mind starts to believe it is true. I like to say “Believe it until you receive it” instead of “Fake it until you make it”. Write it down, maybe on an index card and place it somewhere where you will see it each day. Make sure it is stated in a positive way as the universe gets confused by words that carry negative energy. For example, if I think “I want to be pain free”, the universe gets confused by the word pain. Instead you might consider “I am healthy, strong and move with grace and ease.” Which reminds me, use the present tense as if it is already here and true. Consider taking a moment, right now, to find a piece of paper and write down one of your new year’s resolutions as a positive, present moment affirmation!
- Vision Board. Creating a vision board is a way to identify physical representations of what inspires and motivates you, bringing more clarity to the tangible manifestations of your dreams. Once created, it reinforces your daily affirmation when placed in a location that you can see on a daily basis. Consider joining me this weekend (Sunday, January 20th at 6 pm) to create your vision board for 2019. If you are not able to join me, there are many resources online to explore this creative and inexpensive way to support manifesting your dreams.
- Meditate. Now that you have created a daily affirmation and vision board to support your dreams, consider spending some time each day meditating on your affirmation and vision board. It might simply be a minute each morning and a minute each evening before bed. This time is in addition to repeating your daily affirmation and looking at your vision board throughout the day. Simply allow yourself this opportunity to sit quietly and immerse yourself a bit longer and deeper into the experience of your dreams as already manifested. After you do so, notice the impact this experience might have on your body and mind.
- Follow your intuition. When presented with a decision, especially a big one, consider sitting a moment in the presence of your daily affirmation and vision board and ask your higher self for guidance. Weigh your choices and sense into which one might feel lighter in the body. If the mind is full of thoughts, again see if you can sense into the weight of those thoughts. You might also remember the spiritual law of success that suggests when the decision feels effortless, or pieces of the puzzle fall into place with ease, it is the universe’s way of letting you know you are on the right path. Start noticing life’s little synchronicities and allow them to be a reminder that the Universe is validating your intuition that is guiding you in the manifestation of your dreams!
- Take action with Gratitude. Visualization, whether simply holding a picture in your mind or creating a daily affirmation or vision board, requires your active participation. The reinforcement to your motivation provided by daily affirmations and vision boards supports you in taking steps forward to manifest your dreams with clarity and focus. Even starting out with very little baby steps starts the Universal ball rolling, so to speak. Two baby steps I suggest trying are creating a routine (thus strengthening the connection to your dreams by ensuring the use of the tools above) and creating a daily “To Do” list with ONLY 3 items on it, ensuring those 3 items are written in a way that supports your visualization of your future. For example, to support my daily affirmation of “I am strong, healthy and move with grace and ease”, my To Do list might contain an action item to schedule my annual doctor visits. Then at the end of the day, when you review your list and create a new one for tomorrow, plan to express gratitude to the Universe (and yourself!) for whatever steps you took toward the future you are actively visualizing for yourself!
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