Heart and Soul Healing Reflections

Reflections on research-based healing benefits of yoga, neurofeedback & talk therapy

What new non-drug approaches to treating PTSD are on the horizon?

My husband purchased a virtual reality headset a couple of years ago to enhance his workout routine. I thought whatever supports his efforts to maintain his health and increase his chances of a longer life, go for it! Two years later, he continues to use it, so I’m grateful it was not just another impulse […]

5 Intention-setting Ideas to Bust the Myths of Suicide

Suicide Prevention Month Suicide is a public health crisis that affects millions of people worldwide.  Unfortunately, many misconceptions and myths exist around it, which hinder understanding, empathy, and effective prevention.  September is Suicide Prevention Month to help raise awareness of suicide prevention and of actions that can be taken to promote healing, offer help, and give […]

What is shame and why might it be important to talk about it?

I imagine we all can identify something that we experienced in the past that we feel ashamed of. I know I can. I can also imagine that most of us simply try to ignore any memories of that experience, to avoid the uncomfortable emotions it might bring up for us. Unfortunately, shame is like toxic […]

5 Intention-setting Ideas for Living a Long, Healthy Life!

Since I have been unsuccessful in discovering the fountain of youth, I decided to watch a documentary on blue zones.  It inspired me to share the growing body of evidence that is embodied by the people living in these places.  If you are not familiar with blue zones (and you have Netflix), consider watching Live to 100: Secrets […]

5 Intention-setting Ideas for Self-Certified Foodies

National Culinary Arts Month! Celebrating National Culinary Arts Month can be a delightful experience, whether you’re a food enthusiast, a professional chef, or simply someone who appreciates good food.  Celebrating National Culinary Arts Month is all about indulging your love for food and exploring the rich tapestry of flavors, techniques, and cultures that make up the […]

5 Intention-setting Ideas for Summer Self-Care

Summer is Upon Us! Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is the traditional, native approach to physical, mental and emotional health and well-being in India that has been practiced for 5,000 years.  It includes practices such as yoga, meditation, chanting, herbal medicine, and dietary changes.  It is a natural, holistic, preventative approach to illness that is centered around the […]

5 Intention-setting Ideas to Honor Mental Health

Mental Health Awareness Month We have been taught to smile through pain and to simply say “Fine” or “Good” when someone asks us how we are doing.  It has been modeled to us to wear masks and not show anyone what we are truly feeling.  Well, it’s okay to not be okay!  And you are not alone.  […]

As an intervention, what impact might yoga have in the lives of female survivors of intimate partner violence?

I know intimate partner violence (IPV) is not a pleasant or easy topic to think and talk about, yet it is the only way forward. When you think about IPV, I suspect most people first think about physical violence. Yet, did you know that psychological violence is the most common form? IPV, in all of […]

5 Intention-setting Ideas to Celebrate Diversity

Celebrate Diversity Month! Celebrate Diversity Month takes place each April. It was initiated in 2004 to recognize and honor the diversity of the world around us. It is a time to recognize and understand our differences, be it gender, race, ethnicity, faith, sexual orientation and other factors while honoring the common essence of humanity. By appreciating […]

5 Intention-setting Ideas to Support Building Trust

If you have difficulty trusting others, you are not alone.  And, it might have more to do with a struggle to trust yourself. Take a moment and think about why you trust someone else.  Did it happen over night?  Did it happen in response to one interaction?  Do you have faith in their abilities?  Do you feel […]

5 Intention-setting Ideas for Individual Growth

Celebrating the Month of Love When we think about the month of February, it often brings up thoughts of Valentine’s Day.  It is also a month to honor American Heart Month and Black History Month.  And this year happens to be a leap year as well! I believe what ties all of these occasions together is an opportunity for individual […]

5 Intention-setting Ideas to Sharpen the Skills of Connection

Happy New Year! Almost a decade ago, when I was contemplating what to name my business, I knew that I wanted the word “connection” in it because of my personal transformation from connecting with my authentic self and then connecting with others.  Making connections, and maintaining the health of those connections, continues to be at […]

Can neurofeedback reduce the effects of another symptom of trauma – gambling?

As I like to quote renowned addiction expert, Dr. Gabor Maté, “Not all traumatized people become addicted, but all addicted people, including those addicted to opioids, were traumatized in some way.” He has also stated “Addiction is only a symptom, it’s not the fundamental problem. The fundamental problem is trauma.” This message is very powerful […]

5 Intention-setting Ideas to Awaken Your Soul

Spiritual Literacy Month Spirituality is not religion yet it does means something different for everyone.  For some it might refer to the journey of self-discovery and for others it might be a sense of connectedness to themselves, others and the world around them.  It might mean the process of identifying our purpose in this world […]

5 Intention-setting Ideas to Move Through Grief

Holidays are not always the happy events portrayed in movies.  Often times they activate a mixed bag of emotions and can leave us feeling sad, angry, depressed, confused, lonely, fearful, helpless, and hopeful.  Yes, hopeful. Hope is a human tendency of our authentic self and a universal invitation.  It is the same emotion that allows […]

5 Intention-setting Ideas to Fulfill the Universal Basic Human Need for Play

In my experience, part of why adolescents struggle with the transition to adulthood is tied to the balance between work and play.  The cultural pressures to academically succeed to ensure future financial independence and stability doesn’t create a whole lot of space for play.  In addition, they watch their parents struggling to make time for self-care […]

5 Intention-setting Ideas to Celebrate National Yoga Awareness Month

Let’s celebrate all things YOGA! Yoga changed my life, literally and figuratively.  I now measure my life in terms of Before Yoga (BY) and After Yoga (AY), because it is so very different today.  I was showing all of the signs of having Metabolic Syndrome, which was a wake up call to start doing something different or […]

How might the trauma of adverse childhood experiences impact the health of older adults?

As I am now in my 60s, I am even more eager to do what I can to maintain my health, physically, mentally and emotionally. My personal goal is to live to 120 years of age and to be teaching yoga beyond the age of 100! Perhaps I will shoot for breaking the Guiness World […]

5 Intention-setting Ideas to Transform Your Life!

Say ‘YES’ to you! Saying ‘No’ to others can create an internal conflict as it challenges cultural messages that encourages and rewards our external focus.  Many of us received conflicting messages as we grew up, such as that we ‘should’ help others or we will be seen as callous but if we ask for help we […]

5 Intention-setting Ideas For Remembering You Are Good Enough

Most of us experience self-doubt at times, which is normal especially when we are trying something new.  However, if self-doubt feels all consuming, it will hold us back from experiencing life fully.  When we become aware that self-doubt is starting to stifle our passion for life, we may need more tools to overcome it. Self-doubt can […]