
5 Intention-setting Ideas for Summer Self-Care

Summer is Upon Us!

Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is the traditional, native approach to physical, mental and emotional health and well-being in India that has been practiced for 5,000 years.  It includes practices such as yoga, meditation, chanting, herbal medicine, and dietary changes.  It is a natural, holistic, preventative approach to illness that is centered around the idea that disease arises from an imbalance or stress in the mind and/or body.  And who doesn’t experience those at least once in a awhile in their lives?

The word “Ayurveda” is derived from Sanskrit and means “science of life.”  It is grounded in the belief that everything is connected and thus, our health relies on maintaining balance and harmony within ourselves and with the world around us.  When we experience some sort of imbalance in our experience of life, Ayurveda guides us to try lifestyle changes and natural remedy options to support that balance and harmony.

Ayurveda also has routine seasonal suggestions for all of us to align with the energy of each season.  Summer is “Pitta” season in the northern hemisphere, where Pitta and its qualities of hot, sharp, dry, and intense, increases in nature and within us.  If we don’t pay attention and these qualities build up within us, we experience an imbalance and create an environment for disease.  So Ayurveda guides us to look at these qualities and use the exact opposite qualities to support balance.

Below are some intention-setting ideas from this traditional practice for you to consider exploring for yourself to balance the natural increase in Pitta and find a healthy seasonal rhythm during the summer months:

  1. What to eat?.   In the summer, our digestive and metabolic fire (or agni) becomes weaker to balance the heat outside.  During these months, the body is not as able to process heavy foods like dairy, red meat or fried foods. Perhaps avoiding these foods (or eating them in moderation) and substituting them with light or cooling foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, like salad greens, cucumbers, squash, berries and melons.  It’s best to cut down on eating too many sour, salty and spicy foods at this time of year as well, so consider going easy on the vinegar and eating salty crisps and hot curries.
  2. When to eat?.  Your digestive and metabolic fire tends to be greatest in the middle of the day.  Therefore, consider eating your heavier meal at midday and go light for dinner.
  3. What to drink?.  Since your metabolic agni is already low, Ayurveda recommends that iced beverages be avoided as they will reduce your body’s agni even more.  Dehydrating substances such as caffeinated drinks and alcohol will also reduce your already lower agni.  Instead, drinking plenty of water, coconut water and herbal teas is suggested to stay hydrated.  The occasional juice of lemon or lime with a pinch of salt (and a touch of honey or jaggery) is a good recipe to replenish the salts the body loses when sweating.  Consider stocking up on your favorite herbal tea (such as chamomile, peppermint, hibiscus or dandelion) and begin to integrate them into your daily routine now.
  4. What movement to do?.  According to the wisdom of Ayurveda, intense exercise is contraindicated in the summer months, so we are encouraged to slow our flow.  Perhaps try some gentle yoga to luxuriate in the deep openings it creates.  Other options to consider trying might include a Yin or Restorative yoga class, especially to balance a summer routine that might include biking and running.
  5. Need for stillness?.  Excess pitta can contribute to negative psychological feelings which challenge our mental and emotional well-being.  In fact, research has shown that the stress hormone Cortisol spikes as temperatures rise. According to age-old Ayurvedic wisdom, feelings of agitation, irritation, impatience, aggression and anger become more prevalent as the heat increases, so it is important to find spaces to “stay cool” inside as the heat rises around us.  Some options for your consideration include scheduling 10 minutes of meditation before you go about your day and approach your activities and challenges mindfully.  As our exposure to the sun increases in the summer months, another option perhaps to try is balancing that by increasing your exposure to the moon.  Consider spending time outdoors on nights when the moon is full or close to full to simply sit and gaze at the moon.

5 Intention-setting Ideas for Supporting the Immune System Through this Holiday Season and Beyond!

“Compassion, bringing inner strength, is good for our health.” – The Dalai Lama

While we may do our best to eat well, get enough sleep, and continue our exercise routine through the holidays, sometimes that is just not enough to avoid catching a cold or flu, especially because we find ourselves spending more time with others at this time of year.  And there is no worse time to find these germs breaking through our defenses then over the next 6 weeks!

So, as we make plans to gather with friends and family around the dining room table this holiday season, it is my hope that you might relax a little more knowing that there are some tried-and-true ways to bring more comfort to the body, support the immune system and shorten the length of time that the body needs to suffer from the symptoms of the common cold.  Below are several intention-setting ideas to consider should you find yourself “under the weather” this holiday season:

  1. ZINC!  Research has shown that taking zinc gluconate during a head cold shortens the duration of the symptoms.  Over-the-counter products, such as Cold-EEZE or Zicam, contain zinc gluconate and the research suggests that the zinc ions block the cold virus from replicating.  What this means is that we may not be able to stop the germs from breaking through our natural defenses, but we can stop them from replicating any more once inside of our bodies, thus giving our immune system a better opportunity to win the war faster.  Therefore, as soon as you feel that scratchy throat or heaviness in your head, start taking zinc and don’t stop until your nose can smell the cookies in the oven and visions of sugar plums dance in your head once again.
  2. Essential Oils.  Look for an essential oil blend that contains oils such as cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, rosemary, and wild orange which have been shown to have immune-boosting properties.  Simply add a few drops to some coconut oil or almond oil and rub it into your skin around the throat, chest and even the soles of your feet.  Adding these essential oils to a room diffuser can work to kill any germs that might be lingering in your home.
  3. Warm Up.  Research is finding that when our body temperature is warmer, viruses replicate slower and die off quicker.  Therefore, when you start to feel the first signs of a cold, create environments for yourself to raise your body heat, such as taking a hot bath or shower or sitting in a hot tub or steam room.  You can add the above mentioned essential oils to your bath or sprinkle a few drops on the floor of your shower.  Or wrap yourself up in your favorite comforter and snuggle up by your fireplace (or space heater) with a good book or movie!
  4. Indulge Your Sweet Tooth with Honey.  Raw organic honey contains enzymes and antimicrobials that not only fight germs, but soothe scratchy throats and coughs.  Studies have even demonstrated an improvement in sleep quality in children who took honey with upper respiratory tract infections, so try eating a teaspoon or two of honey before bed.  Throughout the day, you can simply boil some water, add honey and maybe some freshly grated ginger root to sip on to comfort body, mind and spirit.
  5. Stimulate blood and lymph circulation.  Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga, offers a practice that can be done on a daily basis to stimulate circulation and cleanse the lymph system – dry brush lymph massage.  The lymph system helps rid the body of toxins, waste, and other unwanted materials by transporting lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells throughout the body.   Doing this practice when a virus has invaded our body is important to promote detoxification, supporting the elimination of the toxins as quickly as possible.  Try a natural-bristle brush that you might use to wash your back in the shower and start at the feet.  Using short, brisk strokes work up the body towards the heart, focusing on areas where lymph nodes are most concentrated, such as inner thighs/groin area and arm pits.