
5 Intention-setting Ideas to Awaken Your Soul

Spiritual Literacy Month

Spirituality is not religion yet it does means something different for everyone.  For some it might refer to the journey of self-discovery and for others it might be a sense of connectedness to themselves, others and the world around them.  It might mean the process of identifying our purpose in this world or finding meaning in our lives.  It might be in relationship to a higher vibrational energy, whether embodied in a formalized religion or in nature.

Research is starting to show that whatever spirituality might mean to you, it can improve your overall health and wellbeing.  So becoming more spiritually literate can be at the least an educative experience (i.e., expanding the mind and heart) and perhaps even transformative, by deepening your faith (i.e., good for the soul).  By learning about different spiritual perspectives, it supports a deeper understanding of others, creating space to invite in more acceptance and peace.

Therefore, to support your health and wellbeing and the expansion of the collective consciousness of the world during this holiday season, below are some ideas to celebrate Spiritual Literacy Month:

  1. Read.   Consider picking up a spiritual book in order to expand your mind.  Invite your curiosity forward to be fully present when reading it.  I recently read Home at the Tree of Life by Dr. Elena Gabor and found it quite interesting, if not somewhat comforting.
  2. Visit.  Perhaps plan a visit to participate in a spiritual gathering.  Maybe you have a friend that has a particular spiritual orientation which has peaked your interest in the past.  Consider reaching out and asking if there are any particular spiritual gatherings coming up this month that you might join them at to explore.
  3. Watch.  Sometimes movies can touch our hearts and expand our minds.  If this resonates with you, consider scheduling some time to watch an inspirational (AKA spiritual?) movie.  I’ve listed some recent ones below from different genres to start your list:
    • Dog
    • Elvis
    • Hallelujah:  Leonard Cohen, A Journey, A Song
    • Women Talking
    • After Death
  4. Contemplate.  To quite your mind a little during this very busy time of year, perhaps try a contemplative practice to bring your mind more present in the moment.  It might simply be to sit for a minute and watch your breath moving in an out of your body.  Or it might be to stop what you are doing for a few moments to fully feel your feet on the ground.  Or perhaps it is a silent hike on your favorite hiking trail to connect more fully with Mother nature.  To maximize the benefit of your contemplative practice, consider having a journal nearby to write any intentions for the new year that might arise from your heart after the practice!
  5. Retreat.  If resources allow, consider a more immersive experience by going on a spiritual retreat.  Such retreats are offered locally as well as in far-away lands.  Some can be a couple of hours and others can be for a week or more.  The opportunity to more deeply connect with others while remaining in a space of acceptance and curiosity can be truly life changing!